1. There's No Nasty Smells
This might seem like a frivolous one to start with, but it’s a biggie! A lot of smokers don’t actually realise how strong the smell is, and how much it sticks to you and your clothing. Thankfully, vaping is odourless.
That means no bad breath, no clothes constantly smelling of smoke, no upturned noses when you come back into the office from a smoke break, and no ruined furniture. You might even notice your own sense of smell coming back!
2. Vaping Is Cheaper
For a lot of smokers, buying cigarettes is something they do without thinking, but it can often amount to £20+ a week, even if you’re a lighter smoker. Thankfully vaping generally works out much, much cheaper.
That doesn’t mean it’s free of course, but on average someone who vapes will spend £500+ less a year on their habit (though everyone differs). There’s a lot you could do with that sort of cash!
3. There's no changes to your physical appearance
People often consider the impact smoking has on their health and lifespan, but don’t stop and recognise the far more present impacts it has on their appearance. Looking after yourself and quitting smoking can have many benefits.
Whether it’s yellow skin on your fingers, an increased chance of blackened teeth, or even thinning hair, smoking has tangible effects on nearly every aspect of how you look. That’s why vaping can also be a big boost to confidence.
4. Your Friends And Family Will Thank You For It
Another aspect to consider is the impact of smoking on those close to you. Not only does passive smoking put their own health at risk, but people naturally worry about anyone who smokes and the impact it might have on them.
Vaping shows those around you that you’re putting an emphasis on your own path towards quitting smoking. There’s also much lower risks associated with second-hand vapour inhalation, especially since it dissipates faster. Plus, they won’t have to smell you coming from a mile away!
5. There's Far Fewer Chemicals
We started off with this one, but we really have to emphasise it again—vaping contains so many less harmful chemicals! Even if vaping carries some minor health risks due to the dangers of nicotine, it’s still many magnitudes better for you than smoking.
To put your mind at rest we’d recommend doing your own research, and tracking down studies on why smoking is demonstrably more harmful than vaping. The best solution is to always quit outright, but for those looking for a hobby, vape liquids are a very viable alternative