1 in 3 Would End their Relationship if their Partner Refused to Quit Smoking

Smoking is a habit that is slowly but surely becoming less and less attractive. We all have our turn ons and turn offs, but it seems as if smoking has gone from being a turn off to being an all out deal breaker. According to Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), one in every eight people in the UK are smokers, this is a number that has fallen significantly since the 1970s.

We conducted research to see if smoking is impacting the dating lives of adults in the UK. Interestingly enough, our survey revealed that more than 1 in 3 non-smokers (36%) claim that they would end their relationship or marriage if their significant other refused to kick their habit. Another interesting statistic, 29% of respondents to our survey said that they would prefer to date someone who vapes than someone who smokes, and over half of respondents (54%) said that they would prefer to date someone who does neither.

Infographic of Survey Statistics Showing How Many Would End Their Relationship if Their Partner Refused to Quit Smoking

In the survey 36% of non-smokers would divorce their partner if they refused to quit smoking. 

Smoking in Relationships

Smoking is one of the most common, yet toughest addictions to overcome. People rely on smoking for different reasons, but all find it challenging to quit. Normally, people enjoy cigarettes because the nicotine rush provides them with momentary stress relief. It can help them during or after a hard day, and when out socialising, the smoking area can be one of the most entertaining parts of the venue.

But have you ever considered the impact smoking can have on relationships? When a smoker doesn’t have access to cigarettes, they can often become grumpy, struggle to focus and have an increased feeling of irritability. Unfortunately, a smoker’s partner will usually get the brunt of all this. Cigarettes also leave behind a very distinct odour, so being around your partner reeking of smoke won’t help matters either!

How to Help Your Partner Quit

If you want your partner to quit smoking, your approach is key. You need to be patient; make it clear that instead of simply taking away one of their favourite pastimes, you want them to become a healthier person. If we’re all being completely honest, cold turkey rarely works. Offer your partner a healthier smoking alternative, they can still partake in something they enjoy, only it’s much better for them in the long run.

Your relationship will show noticeable improvements should you decide to help your partner quit smoking.

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking offers numerous immediate and long-term benefits. Within hours of quitting, heart rate and blood pressure begin to normalise, and carbon monoxide levels in the blood drop, allowing oxygen to circulate more freely. After a few weeks cigarette-free, you will feel a difference in your lung capacity and overall fitness. You’ll breathe deeper, this is especially handy if you’re working out.

Long-term benefits include a significantly reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and various cancers, including lung, mouth, throat, and bladder cancer. In 2023, it was reported that smoking accounted for 14% of cancer cases in the UK. This is an alarming statistic that could be reduced if more people made the decision to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking can also improve your appearance. You are less likely to develop wrinkles, your fingernails will appear healthier, and you can stop your teeth from yellowing. Financially, quitting saves money previously spent on cigarettes and related health care costs.

Whilst being in a relationship, making the decision to quit can strengthen your bond. It enhances both partners' health, reducing risks of heart disease, cancer, and respiratory issues. Passive smoking overtime can become a real issue, this is important to bear in mind, especially if you live with your partner. You'll enjoy improved physical fitness and financial savings. Sharing this journey fosters teamwork, deepens emotional connection - show your partner how much they mean to you by making a significant change.

FAQ - Quitting Smoking and Relationships

How does quitting smoking affect relationships?

Quitting smoking can strengthen relationships by improving health, reducing stress, and fostering mutual support, leading to a more positive and cooperative partnership.

How can I support my partner in quitting smoking?

Offer emotional support and incentives for staying smoke-free. Make your partner aware that they have made a huge step by quitting and that you’re proud of them. Words of encouragement can go a long way. Maybe even buy them a new vaping device!

What are the benefits of quitting smoking for couples?

Couples who quit smoking together enjoy improved health, reduced disease risks, financial savings, enhanced physical fitness, and a stronger emotional bond through shared goals. It’s always easier to do something when you have a partner.

How can couples quit smoking together?

Set a quit date, create a support plan, use cessation methods, replace smoking with healthy habits, and maintain open communication to support each other through the process.

What challenges might arise when quitting smoking?

Challenges include withdrawal symptoms, cravings, irritability, and stress. Relapse can occur, but understanding, patience, and mutual support can help overcome these obstacles. Quitting is an opportunity to show just how strong you are, it is a test of will. It can help improve discipline and focus.

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